How to Set UPC-A Size using Barcode Library for Windows Forms
Generate Barcodes with Customized Size using UPC-A Barcode Generator for Winforms
Set UPC-A Barcode Images Size using Barcode Library for Winforms
UPC-A Winforms Barcode Library/SDK is able to generate UPC-A and 2/5 digits add-on of UPC-A in Visual Basic, C#, console applications using Visual Studio 2005 and 2008. All generators and assemblies provided are 100% managed code created in C#, strong named.
It is easy to create UPC-A in Windows Forms, ASP.NET, SQL Reporting Services, Native Crystal Reports etc using .NET barcode generator provided on Free to download barcode generators are also available.
UPC-A Size Setting in Windows Forms using C#, VB.NET Codes
Set up Requirements
UPC-A Windows Forms barcode generator/SDK helps you generate barcode images easily in the .NET applications. Make sure installation completed before barcode generation:
- Visual Studio 2005, 2008 and 2010
- Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0, 3.0, 3.5 and above versions
- Operating Systems like Windows 7, Windows XP and Windows Vista
- UPC-A barcode generator/library for Windows Forms application
Download & Installation provides complete tutorial on how to install and use barcode generator/library for Windows Forms. Details please refer to the
tutorial guide of this barcode generator.
- Download Winforms evaluation package for free and unzip it on developer's computer
- Add reference: Add "" to your Winforms application reference
- Add to toolbox: To add "WinLinear" to your Visual Studio toolbox
UPC-A Size Setting Related Properties
It is easy to set UPC-A barcode size through C# or VB.NET programming or property setting panel in Visual Studio 2005 or 2008. Detailed properties are demonstrated below:
UPC-A Special
SupplementHeight --- Adjust bar height of the supplement symbol of UPC-A.
SupplementSpace--- Modify the separation between the end of the main barcode and the beginning of the supplement symbol of UPC-A.
Basic Size Setting
Resize --- Winforms barcode library could reset UPC-A barcode size if manual setting does not meet its barcode specification when you set this property to true.
BarcodeHeight --- Modify UPC-A barcode height using C#, VB.NET codes.
BarcodeWidth --- Set UPC-A width of the entire barcode image.
BarWidth_X --- Adjust the width of the barcode narrowest bar.
BarHeight_Y --- Customize the height of the UPC-A barcode bar.
HoriBarAlignment --- Using this property to set bar alignment of barcode. Valid values are Center, Left, and Right.
MeasurementUnit --- Modify unit of measure for UPC-A barcode property. Valid values are Cm, Inch, and Pixel.
Margin Setting
BottomMargin --- Set UPC-A barcode top margin using C# or VB.NET codes.
LeftMargin --- Using this property to set width of the barcode left margin of UPC-A.
RightMargin --- Set width of the UPC-A barcode right margin using .NET barcode control.
TopMargin --- Using the parameter to adjust height of the UPC-A barcode top margin using C# or VB.NET codes.