.NET Barcode Generator
for ASP.NET Web Application
.NET Barcode Generator for ASP.NET
Barcode ASP.NET > Barcode in ASP.NET > QR Code > Barcode Info > QR Code Size
Barcode Size
2D Barcode in ASP.NET
Data Matrix in ASP.NET
QR Code in ASP.NET
Set QR Code Image Size in ASP.NET Application
QR Code Size Setting in ASP.NET using .NET Barcode Generator/Library
Generating QR Code Barcodes with Customized Size using ASP.NET Barcode Library/SDK
QR Code barcode library for ASP.NET is compatible with .NET 2.0, 3.0, 3.5 and above versions. It is designed to generate dynamic QR Code based on ISO/IEC 18004:2006 in web form and web sites using C#.NET and VB.NET class library.
Aspper.com provides robust and comprehensive barcode generators to insert barcode images into Winforms, ASP.NET, SQL Reporting Services, Native Crystal Reports, RDLC reports etc. It is easy to modify barcode size, image and encoding data of generated QR Code, details please refer to:
Data Matrix Size Setting in ASP.NET Application using C#, VB.NET Class library

Set up Requirements

All products and barcodes libraries are pre-configured according to industrial specification, complex configuration and special barcode know-how are not required. Make sure you install the following items before QR Code generation:

Download & Installation

Aspper.com provides easy to use free trial package for ASP.NET with optional Visual C# & Visual Basic codes. Installation will be complete with few mouse clicks:
  1. Free to download ASP.NET evaluation package and unzip
  2. Add "Aspper.aspnet.matrixbarcode.dll" to your ASP.NET project reference
  3. Add "Aspnet.Matrix" to Visual Studio toolbox using drag-and-drop implementation method
Size Setting Related Properties of QR Code
With ASP.NET QR Code barcode library, users could easily modify parameters related to size of generated QR Code. Reasonable adjustment for QR Code version, barcode height, width, barcode alignment are acceptable.

QR Code Special

QRCodeVersion --- Easy to set QR Code version ranges from V1 to V40.

Basic Size Setting

Resize --- Reset QR Code barcode size if manual setting does not meet its barcode specification.
BarcodeHeight --- Modify QR Code barcode height using C#, VB.NET codes in ASP.NET.
BarcodeWidth --- Entire QR Code width of barcode image.
X --- Set Barcode module width (narrow bar).
Y --- Set the 2D barcode module height.
BarWidth_X --- Adjust the width of the barcode narrowest bar.
BarHeight_Y --- Modify height of the QR Code barcode bar.
HoriBarAlignment --- Using this property to align barcode image to Center, Left, and Right.
MeasurementUnit --- Generates QR Code based on Cm, Inch, and Pixel.

Margin Setting

BottomMargin --- Set QR Code barcode top margin.
LeftMargin --- Modify width of the barcode left margin of QR Code.
RightMargin --- Set width of the QR Code barcode right margin using ASP.NET barcode control.
TopMargin --- Using the parameter to adjust height of the QR Code barcode top margin using C# or VB.NET class library.