.NET Barcode Generator
for ASP.NET Web Application
.NET Barcode Generation DLL for ASP.NET
Barcode ASP.NET > Barcode in ASP.NET > UPC-A > Barcode Info > UPC-A Data
Barcode Data
Generating UPC-A Barcodes with Target Data using ASP.NET Barcode Generator
UPC-A Data Setting in ASP.NET C# or VB.NET Class Library
Encode UPC-A Barcodes Using .NET Barcode Generator/SDK for Web Application
Ease of learning, combined with barcode generating and printing capabilities, make UPC-A .NET barcode generation SDK/library an excellent component to start barcoding project in web application. It is fully integrated with Visual Basic .NET, Visual C# .NET, Borland Octane Delphi.NET.
It is possible to adjust generated UPC-A barcode size, image and encoding data through Visual Basic .NET, Visual C# .NET codes easily using Winforms or ASP.NET barcode library/SDK.

UPC-A Size Encoding in Winforms - Barcode Size Setting in Windows Forms
UPC-A Image Setting in Winforms - Generate UPC-A Barcode Image in Winforms
UPC-A Size Encoding in ASP.NET - Encode Data in UPC-A in ASP.NET Application
UPC-A Image Setting in Web Form - Generate UPC-A Barcode Image in Web Form
Encode UPC-A Data in ASP.NET using C#, VB.NET Class Library

Set up Requirements

Along with the fundamental barcode knowledge it provides, Aspper.com is packed full of helpful tips and full - fledged example code. It is easy to use this UPC-A .NET barcode generation SDK once you complete installation of the following items.

Download & Installation

UPC-A barcode generator is a fully integrated barcode control which stays on Toolbox of Visual Studio once installed. Aspper.com provides complete tutorial on how to use it for automate barcode generation in web form.
  1. Download free ASP.NET evaluation trial package and unzip it
  2. Add "Aspper.aspnet.linearbarcode.dll" to your web project reference
  3. Add "Aspnet.Linear" to your Visual Studio toolbox then drag-and-drop it to web form
Relating Data Properties of UPC-A
UPC-A .NET barcode library helps you add specialized features with ease, such as generating and printing capabilities into web application. It is easy to adjust parameters related to UPC-A data encoding, details please refer to:

Barcode Type

LinearBarcode --- Choose the target barcode as UPC-A.

Encodable Character Set

EncodeData --- Input the numeric only data for UPC-A to generate a barcodes with target data.

UPC-A Special

SupplementCode--- This property helps you to encode UPC-A 2/5 digits add-on in web application.


CheckSum --- Enabled, barcode library will compute checksum digit of UPC-A automatically.