Generate Dynamic EAN-13 Barcode Images using ASP.NET Barcode Library/SDK
Customize EAN-13 Barcode Image using Barcode Library with C# or VB.NET Class Library
Code Sample to Print Barcode Image Using EAN-13 ASP.NET Barcode Library
With EAN-13 ASP.NET Barcode Library, users could create and draw dynamic EAN-13 barcode with customized image by using C#.NET or VB.NET before printing. This web server control could be easily used in C#, VB.NET, Managed C++ and Delphi for .NET.
It is easy to modify barcode images, size and data in generated EAN-13 barcode using barcode generator for web application. This barcode also support barcode generation in IIS by using URL without Visual Studio.
EAN-13 Image Setting in Winforms with C#, VB.NET Class Library
Set up Requirements
This barcode generation library supports EAN-13 and EAN-13 2 or 5 digits add-on barcode generation on web application. Make sure the following items are installed on computer:
- Visual Studio: 2005/2008/2010
- Microsoft .NET Framework: 2.0, 3.0, 3.5 and above versions
- EAN-13 .NET barcode library/generator for Web application
- Microsoft IIS (Internet Information Services)
- Operating systems: Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows and Windows XP
Download & Installation
EAN-13 ASP.NET barcode library is fully written in C#.NET 2005 and is fully integrated in .NET application. provide detailed tutorial on how to install and use barcode generator.
- Download ASP.NET free trial package and unzip
- Add "Aspper.aspnet.linearbarcode.dll" to your web project reference
- Add " Aspnet.Linear " to your Visual Studio toolbox then drag-and-drop it to web form
Properties Relating to EAN-13 Image Setting in ASP.NET
EAN-13 barcode generated could be drawn directly into graphics objects or printer devices in the highest possible resolution. Related barcode image properties please refer to:
Format of Image
ImageFormat --- Draw and print EAN-13 barcode images in BMP, GIF, JPEG, PNG, and TIFF formats.
Resolution --- Set the barcode image resolution in DPI.
Rotation --- To rotate created EAN-13 barcode image in 0, 90, 180 or 270 degree.
Color of Image
BackColor --- Set the background color of the generated barcode.
ForeColor --- Set the foreground color of the generated EAN-13 barcode image.
Text of Image
DisplayText --- Enable or disable the human-readable interpretation under EAN-13 images.
TextColor --- To set human-readable interpretation color using C# & VB class library.
TextDistance --- Set space between the barcode symbol and its human-readable text.
TextFont --- Customize the character font style of the EAN-13 barcode human-readable text interpretation.