Data Matrix Crystal Reports Barcode Generation Library
Generate Data Matrix Barcodes in Crystal Reports Using C# Codes
Generate Data Matrix Barcodes in Crystal Reports Using C# Codes - Features
Barcode generator for Crystal Reports provided by is fully integrated one and will be stays on Crystal Report once installed. This barcode library helps you generates and prints Data Matrix barcodes in Crystal Report based on ISO/IEC 16022:2006.
- C# source code provided to modify Crystal Reports at source code level
- Sample code listing & free trial package available in
- Property customization includes adjustment of barcode height, margins, character color, font style and margin parameters
- Support Data Matrix barcode generation using C#, Managed C++ and Borland Delphi for .NET
- Generates extremely accurate Data Matrix barcodes based on ISO/IEC 16022:2006
- Possible to maintain barcode images in exported files include PDF, word, excel and rich text formats
Support Project Types:
Barcode generator features class methods allow developers to easily include dynamic Data Matrix barcode images into reports designed with Crystal Report for .NET. It is easy to use .NET applications templates in Visual Studio 2005 and 2008 to create customized Crystal Reports.
- ASP.NET Web Site (design-time and runtime support)
- Windows Application (design-time and runtime support)
- Class Library (runtime support)
- Console Application (runtime support)
.NET Technology:
.NET programmers are able to use not only the built-in functions but also integrate .NET applications to customize repots. .NET barcode generator/SDK for Crystal Reports is a fully-integrated barcode control which stays embedded once installed.
- Support Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0, 3.0, 3.5 and above
- Customize report objects and modify barcode parameters during runtime
- C# source codes and descriptions are entirely written in C#.NET 2005
- Simple X-copy development
.NET Barcode Generators to Create Data Matrix Barcodes
It is easy to generate Data Matrix and Data Matrix Extended in Windows Forms, Web application, SSRS, RDLC using Visual C# class library.
How to Add Data Matrix Barcode Images on Crystal Reports Using C#
First download Aspper.Barcode.CrystalReports free evaluation package and unzip it. Open Visual Studio and create a new Crystal Reports project. This can be either a Windows application or ASP.NET in Visual C# class library. Created reports have the flexibility to be dynamic.
Create New Crystal Reports Project in Visual Studio
- Download Aspper.Barcode.CrystalReports free trial package and unzip it.
- Start Visual Studio and create a new Crystal Reports project using C# programming. In Crystal Report Gallery dialog box, accept the defaults of "Use Report Expert" and "Standard Report".
- Expand "Create New Connection" and choose "ADO.NET" in Data form and click "next".
- In the "Connection" form, select the "CustomerDataSet.xsd" in the downloaded package, and then click "Finish".
- Add "Customer" table in the "Data" form, and then click "Next".
- Add all three columns available to "Customer" fields in the upcoming "Fields" form, and Click "Finish" button.
Add Reference for Crystal Reports
- In CrystalReport1.rpt, drag and drop field "Barcode" to the report Section 3.
- Go to .NET project solution explorer, and then choose "Aspper.Barcode.CrystalReports Barcode.dll" and add it to the project reference.
- Then add "Aspper.Barcode.CrystalReports.dll" to your Crystal Reports project reference;
How to Create Barcode Images in Crystal Report Using .NET Control
- Right click "Default.aspx" in "Solution Explorer" and choose "View Code" to enter the code form.
- It is easy to generate Data Matrix barcode images using Visual C# codes.