QR Code Crystal Reports Barcode Generator/SDK
Sample Codes for Generating QR Code Barcodes in Crystal Reports in C#
Sample Codes for Generating QR Code Barcodes in Crystal Reports in C# - Features
.NET developers are entitled to generate and print dynamic QR Code in Crystal Reports by writing code with C# class library. Once installed, this .NET component could stay embedded on Crystal Report. Properties of created QR Code include height, width, X-dimension, margins, resolution etc. are highly customizable.
- Completely integrated with .NET 2.0, 3.0, 3.5, and greater
- Modify barcode height, width, X-dimension, wide/narrow ratio, margins etc using C# programming
- Change QR Code version and data encoding modes easily
- Maintain barcode images could when you exporting reports to PDF, word, excel and rich text formats
- Support language such as C#.NET, Managed C++ and Borland Delphi for .NET
- Provide free trial package and detailed barcode generation tutorial
Support Project Types:
It is easy to design Crystal Report with barcoding features and integrate it into a .NET application like web application and Windows Forms application. With barcode generator for Crystal Reports, developers are able to perform dynamic formatting of report objects and program in Basic syntax or Crystal syntax.
- ASP.NET Web Site (design-time and runtime support)
- Windows Application (design-time and runtime support)
- Class Library (runtime support)
- Console Application (runtime support)
.NET Technology:
Aspper.com provides the robust barcode library for Crystal Reports which helps you to tackle NET runtime customization in C#.NET. Easy encoding of user's input in QR Code barcode symbology is accomplished by simple clicks.
- Easy to build powerful reporting solution using Visual Studio 2005 and 2008
- Utilize dynamic data connections to connect with virtually data source
- Completely integrated into VB.NET, C#, Managed C++ and Borland Delphi for .NET
- Crystal Reports barcode SDK is managed code library which allows easy encoding of QR Code
.NET Barcode Generators to Create QR Code Barcodes
It is easy to generate QR Code and QR Code Extended in Windows Forms, Web application, SSRS, RDLC using Visual C# class library.
How to Add QR Code Barcode Images on Crystal Reports Using C#
First download Aspper.Barcode.CrystalReports free evaluation package and unzip it. Open Visual Studio and create a new Crystal Reports project in either a Windows application or ASP.NET with Visual C# class library.
Create New Crystal Reports Project in Visual Studio
- Download Aspper.Barcode.CrystalReports free trial package and unzip it.
- Start Visual Studio and create a new Crystal Reports project using C# programming. In Crystal Report Gallery dialog box, accept the defaults of "Use Report Expert" and "Standard Report".
- Expand "Create New Connection" and choose "ADO.NET" in Data form and click "next".
- In the "Connection" form, select the "CustomerDataSet.xsd" in the downloaded package, and then click "Finish".
- Add "Customer" table in the "Data" form, and then click "Next".
- Add all three columns available to "Customer" fields in the upcoming "Fields" form, and Click "Finish" button.
Add Reference for Crystal Reports
- In CrystalReport1.rpt, drag and drop field "Barcode" to the report Section 3.
- Go to .NET project solution explorer, and then choose "Aspper.Barcode.CrystalReports Barcode.dll" and add it to the project reference.
- Then add "Aspper.Barcode.CrystalReports.dll" to your Crystal Reports project reference;
How to Create Barcode Images in Crystal Report Using .NET Control
- Right click "Default.aspx" in "Solution Explorer" and choose "View Code" to enter the code form.
- It is easy to generate QR Code barcode images using Visual C# codes.