UPC-A .NET Barcode Generator for C#.NET Class Library
C#.NET Generator to Create UPC-A Barcode Symbology using C# Programming
UPC-A Barcode Generator/Library in C#.NET - Overview
Winforms .NET barcode generator for UPC-A is completely built in C#.NET. UPC-A barcode library SDK enables barcoding capability into Visual C# .NET projects in Windows Forms projects. Optional source code and royalty-free perpetual developer licenses and are available in Aspper UPC-A barcode generator.
UPC-A generator provides easy-to-configure assistant tool which lets you easily inserting dynamic barcodes into .NET Framework Applications. Parameters of barcode are allowed to be adjusted according to requirement. This barcode control supports barcode generation of UPC-A and 2 or 5 supplemental digits add-on.
UPC-A Barcode Generator for C#.NET Class Library - Benefits
- 100% managed code created in C#.
- Winforms Data-Binding is supported by this barcode control.
- It is easy to integrate barcode images into Windows Forms applications, Class Library, Console Application, Windows Control Library and Crystal Reports Application.
- UPC-A barcode library is 100% compatible with variety of operating systems: vista, Windows 2000, XP, Windows 7, Window Server 2003 and 2008.
- This library helps you to generate UPC-A and 2 or 5 supplemental digits add-on using Visual Studio.
- This barcode dll lets you easily creating barcode in .NET Framework 2.0, 3.0, 3.5 or greater.
- Checksum digit is calculated automatically by this dll.
- Barcode generator is fully compatible with GS1 standard for UPC-A .
- Human-readable text of UPC-A symbology is allowed to be adjusted.
- 4 types of orientations are supported by this SDK (0, 90, 180, 270 degrees).
- Users are entitled to customize the Properties including X, Y-dimension, wide-to-narrow ratio, margin size of the barcode created by the C#.NET control.
- UPC-A C#.NET professional supports images formats of JPEG, GIF, BMP, PNG, TIFF.
UPC-A Barcode Generator/Library for .NET Applications
Aspper.com provides complete information of
User Guide for Visual C#solution to generate dynamic UPC-A barcodes into .NET applications and report solution.
How to Create UPC-A Barcodes on C#.NET Application
Generate and Draw UPC-A 1D Barcodes in C#.NET Classes
- Download the UPC-A barcode generation SDK folder and unzip it. Copy the barcode generation dll to your C#.NET project folder.
- Open your project in Visual Studio; add UPC-A barcode generation dll to project reference.
- Right click the form, choose (view code) in the list. Barcodes could be created easily by adding C# code.
// Create linear barcode object
upca = new BarCode();
// Barcode symbology type setting
upca.Type = Symbology.UPCA
//Encoding data setting
upca.Data = "0123456789"
// Draw & print generated barcode to png image file
UPC-A basic property setting
//Encoding data setting
upca.Data = "012345678911";
// Barcode type setting
upca.Symbology = Symbology.UPCA;
UPC-A, 2-digit and 5-digit add-on valid value:
// Unit of measure setting.
upca.UOM = UnitOfMeasure.PIXEL;
// Set the bar module width (X), default is 2 pixel;
upca.X = 2;
// Set the bar module height (Y), default is 75 pixel;
upca.Y = 75;
// Set left, right, top, bottom margins of barcode images. Defaults are 0.
upca. MarginLeft = 0;
upca. MarginRight = 0;
upca. MarginTop = 0;
upca. MarginBottom = 0;
// Image resolution setting, default is 72 dpi.
upca.Resolution = 72;
// Barcode orientation setting: 0, 90, 180, 270 degrees
upca. Angle = Angle. Degree0;
// If true, apply checksum digit characters in the input data. Default is false.
upca.AddCheckSum = true;
Text setting for UPC-A with C#.NET
// If true, display the human readable text under the barcode
upca.ShowText = true;
// If true, display the checksum digit
upca. ShowCheckSum Char = true;
// Text font setting
upca.TextFont = new Font ("Arial", 9f, FontStyle.Regular);
// Set the space between barcode and text. Default is 6 pixel.
upca.TextMargin = 6;
Format setting for UPC-A with C#.NET
// Generate UPC-A and encode barcode to gif format
upca.Format = ImageFormat.Gif;
Color setting for UPC-A with C#.NET
// Background color setting, Default is white.
upca. BackgroundColor = white;
// Foreground color setting, Default is black.
upca. ForegroundColor = black;
Special Setting of UPC-A
// Supplement data setting. Valid values are 2 or 5 digits
upca. SupData = "";
// Height of the bar module setting. Default is 0.8 (80% of Y - bar module height).
upca. SupHeight = 0.8f;
// Set the separation between the barcode and the supplement. Default is 15 pixel.
upca. SupSpace = 15;
Drag and Drop UPC-A Linear Barcodes to C#.NET Form
- Download the UPC-A barcode generation SDK and unzip it. Copy the generation dll to your C#.NET project folder.
- Open your C#.NET project in Visual Studio after the installation.
- Right click Toolbox in Visual Studio then click (Choose Item) button. Click button (Browse) in the Choose Toolbox Items dialog.
- Find the C#.NET barcode dll, and then click (OK) button.
- The barcode items will be displayed in the (Component) section of the Tools Palette.
- Drag and drop the barcode control in the toolbox to your .NET Windows Form. Double click the barcode image in the forms.
- It is easy to generate barcode by using C# code.